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      美剧《shameless》将推出衍生剧,回顾每个角色在前十季的成长经历,第一集将以伊恩(卡梅隆·莫纳汉饰)和米奇(诺尔·费舍饰)为主角,展示他们之间独特的关系,以及从十几岁到充满爱情的复杂的婚姻的演变过程去看吧动漫https://www.11kt.net/  The 11th and final season of Showtime’s signature comedy Shameless is under way, and now it’s getting a hybrid recap/original extension series of sorts. The premium cabler has set Shameless Hall of Shame to premiere Sunday, December 27.  The six-episode Hall of Shame will feature new, original Shameless scenes juxtaposed with a retrospective look at each character’s journey during the prior 10 seasons. The first episode will feature Ian (Cameron Monaghan) and Mickey (Noel Fisher), showcasing their unique relationship and its evolution from a teen fling into a loving, complicated marriage. New episodes will be interspersed throughout the final season.看吧动漫


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